Organized by the Groupe de Recherche et d’Études Latino-américaines (GRELAT), under the auspices of the Laboratoire de Littératures et Écritures des Civilisations (LLITEC) of Félix Houphouët-Boigny University (Ivory Coast), in collaboration with the Cátedra Unesco de Estudios Afroiberoamericanos of Alcalá University (Spain) ; the Groupe de Recherche et d’Etudes sur les Noir-e-s d’Amérique Latine (GRENAL-Axis Languages and Identities/CRESEM) of Perpignan University (France); the Asociación de Estudios Americanos del Principado de Asturias of Oviedo University (Spain) and the Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades desde América Latina (Ecuador).


Date: Wednesday 24 – Friday 26 November 2021

Venue: Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Abidjan, Ivory Coast


Rewriting Africa in the Tout-Monde (20th-21st Centuries)

Africa(s), Europe(s), America(s)-Caribbean(s), Asia(s)

Across perspectives, this call questions the fruitful passages and returning between Africa(s), Europe(s), America(s)-Caribbean(s), Asia(s), thus implying the notion of Rewriting(s) as discourse, practice, and reappropriation of the self.

The (re)construction of Africa, from within, as well as from its diasporas, is presented as a space without borders or as a place of fantastic re-exportations. The mythification of the parent continent or its opposite, its geo-poetical reformulation, notably through artistic manifestations and/or African or Afro descendant literary productions (considering its political struggles and cultural and symbolic practices) are to be appreciated as an alternative place of connection, a framework for restoration and/or a space of refuge for interactions to grasp the stakes of belonging and the legitimation practices linked to composite imaginaries. Such an approach resonates with the contemporary (re)creation of an encompassing imaginary where the (re)conceptualization or even the re-reading of the self is a necessary awareness for a simulation freed from the phantasms of colonialism.

Here, the hypothesis rests on an identity perceived as a (dynamic) construction inherent to a collective imagination diversely reappropriated by interconnected subjects. Regardless of the national, transcontinental, or diasporic level. Therefore, the viewpoint of this colloquium is nourished by a composite imaginary because the elements of an identity are also the fruit of a trans-territorial construction. Among many examples, the Harlem Renaissance movement, Pan-Africanism, the political and literary concept of Negritude, Afrofuturism, Afro realism, and Afro feminism are paradigmatic illustrations which send us back to a matrix root: Africa, its diasporas, and their transformations.

These practices, discourses and strategies of reappropriation can be perceived as decolonizing the imaginary. We also note that despite the mechanisms of censorship, cyberspace has become a space for legitimizing discourses to liberate speech, to democratize it by circumventing it, in a context of minimizations.

We expect proposals for multidisciplinary communication driven by a reflection on Africanity in the imaginations of Tout-Monde(Édouard Glissant); these proposals should focus on imaginary issues as cultural and symbolic policies for the reappropriation of the self in the fields of human sciences, literature, art (cinema, painting, music), history, sociology, philosophy, etc.

The Colloquium is mainly aimed at Researchers, Teacher-Researchers, PhD students and collectives who place the issue in question at the heart of their debate(s), questioning and struggles.

Panels for proposal:

1- Poetics of the Self: Poetics/politics, the impact of (micro-)narratives and discourses with an emancipatory aim.

2-Re/Territorialization: Borders, displacements, diasporas, hybridizations.

3-Resilience and cures: Circumvention strategies and identities in resistance.

4-Reappropriation of female guardian figures: About referential figures and their struggles.

5-Cyberspace and alternative spaces: How to make one’s voices/ways heard in situations of structural invisibility.

6-Black and/or Afro-descendant identities: Current state of play and questions. Is there a black identity far from any confinement, beyond «race»? Or rather, inspiring plural identities that are cultural manifestations as well as lived experiences?

7-Popular religions and worship practices: A reenchanted or demonised African Self.

8- Art, Africa(s) and the African Diaspora: We particularly insist on the arts as a whole, as an important part of the construction, projection and rejection of a black/afro-descendant Self.



Languages of the Symposium: French, Spanish, Portuguese and English.


Proposal deadline: 31 March 2021. Proposals must be submitted to jean.yao@univ-fhb.edu.ci; lavou@univ-perp.fr; ferduliszita.odomeangone@ucad.edu.sn

The scientific council reserves the right to accept proposals.

They should include: Name and surname, institution, e-mail address, title of proposal, summary of 250 words and a brief bibliographical reference. All proposals must be original and unpublished.

PD: The Proceedings of the Colloquium will be published, according to the publishing standards which will be communicated later, after a selection of texts by anonymous evaluators at the international level.


Deadline for submission of proposals: March 31, 2021

Notification of acceptance: before April 30, 2021

Registration deadline: June 30, 2021



  • Researchers, Professors: 30,000 Francs CFA (50 euros / 55 USD)
  • Collectives: 30,000 CFA francs (50 euros / 55 USD)
  • PhD Candidates: 10,000 Francs CFA (20 euros / 22 USD)
  • Students (MA): 5,000 Francs CFA (10 euros / 12 USD)

*These fees cover participant’s kit, attendance certificate, coffee, and lunches. Accompanying persons and auditors who wish to benefit from these advantages will be subject to the same conditions as the attendees.

*Payment will be made in local currency FCFA—Ivory Coast currency— (upon arrival for foreigners) to Dr Kouamé N’Guessan Estelle (contacts: +225 88 30 36 41 / +225 05 78 60 74).

*To obtain the “Attendance Certificate”, one must have attended at least 85 percent of all the total sessions.



Duration of Exposés: Each exposé will last 25 minutes (to be honored).

Travel and accommodation: Each participant is responsible for the costs of travel and accommodation. Bellow you have the references of the standardized hotels with international norms chosen by the organization.



Standard room: 65.000 fcfa (100 euros / 130 USD)

Superior room: 80 000 fcfa (124 euros / 160 USD)

Duplex suite: 120.000 fcfa (185 euros / 240 USD)

Executive suite: 130 000 fcfa (200 euros / 260 USD)

The rate includes breakfast for one person, internet connection, access to the swimming pool and access to the gym.



Standard room (1 bed): 40.000 fcfa (60 euros / 80 USD)

Standard room (2 beds): 45.000 fcfa (70 euros / 90 USD)

Superior suite: 60.000 fcfa (92 euros / 120 USD)

Luxury suite: 80.000 fcfa (124 euros / 160 USD)

The rate includes breakfast for one person. The hotel has Wi-Fi, satellite, original TV programmes and a telephone system.


Single or double room (1 double bed): 22.000cfa (35 euros/40 USD)

The rate includes breakfast for one person. The hotel has Wi-Fi.

*Please, communicate your dates, flights, arrival and departure times to the following email address jean.yao@univ-fhb.edu.ci for the reservation of rooms and the airport shuttle.


Restoration: The restoration of the participants is supported exclusively at noon. The hotels has restaurant for evening meals. However, the organizing committee will propose to the guests group dinners in maquis (local restaurants) to share local dishes and local hospitality.

Visa: Once the registration to the Symposium is secured, you will receive a letter of invitation and addresses of the hotels for visa application—necessary to travel to Ivory Coast. You can get your Visa from Ivorian embassies and consulates (recommended) or at Abidjan airport. The processes for VISA can be found online at www.rdvvisas-ci.com. You do not need a visa if you are a citizen of ECOWAS or Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Morocco, Mauritania, Seychelles, Singapore, Chad, Tunisia, and Philippines.

Currency: The CFA franc is the official currency of Côte d’Ivoire (1 EUR = 655.957 CFA / 1 USD = 596.449 CFA). Conversions of currency can be done at the airport, banks, and hotels.

Vaccines: at Abidjan airport it is required to present the international mandatory yellow fever vaccination book. Extra vaccines recommended are: Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Tetanus, Meningitis. Also, anticipate anti-malaria treatments.

*Because of the Covid’19, all travellers to and from Côte d’Ivoire must register on the website https://deplacement-aerien.gouv.ci and bring proof of a negative test required to enter the country. Further information on airline requirements can be found at https://www.traveldoc.aero. We hope that by the date of the symposium this global health crisis will be over and that these measures will be lifted or lightened.



Prof. Carmen Bernand (Paris X-Nanterre University, France)

Prof. Jean-Pierre Tardieu (University of La Réunion, France) 

Prof. Marie Ramos Rosado (Rio Piedras University, Porto Rico)

Prof. Mayra Santos Febres (National University, Porto Rico)

Prof. Théophile Koui (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Prof. Nancy Morejón (Cuban Academy of Language, Cuba)

Prof. Agustin Loa-Montes (Massachussett University, USA) 

Prof. Mara Viveros Vigoya (National University, Colombia)

Prof. Quince Duncan Moodie (National University, Costa Rica)

Prof. Joseania Freitas (Bahia Federal University, Brazil)

Prof. Jean-Godefroy Bidima (Tulane University, USA)

Prof. Hanetha Vété Congolo (Bowdoin University, USA)

Prof. Teresa Cañedo-Argüelles (Alcalá University, Spain)

Prof. Claudia Mosquera-Labbe (National University, Colombia)

Prof. M’baré N’gom (Morgan State University, USA)

Prof. John Antón Sánchez (Institute of Higher National Studies, Ecuador)

Prof. Justo Bolekia Boleka (Salamanca University, Spain)

Prof. Frédéric Lefrançois (Antilles University, Martinique, France)



Prof. Coulibaly Adama (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Prof. N’Guessan Béchié Paul (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Prof. Adom Marie Clémence (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Prof. Victorien Lavou Zoungbo (Perpignan University, France)

Prof. Luis Mancha San Esteban (Alcalá University, Spain)

Prof. N’Goran Koffi David (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Prof. Koua Kadio Pascal (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Prof. Alain Pascal Kaly (Rio de Janeiro Rural Federal University (Brazil)

Prof. Aurelia Martín Casares (Málaga University, Spain)

Prof. Jean-Arsène Yao (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Prof. Georges Moukouti Onguedou (Maroua University, Cameroon)

Prof. Véronique Solange Okome-Beka (École Normale Supérieure, Gabon)

Prof. Begong-Bodoli Betina (Gaston Berger University, Saint-Louis, Sénégal)

Prof. Marlène Marty (Lille University, France)

Prof. Wilfrid Miampika Moundélé (Alcalá University, Spain)

Prof. Chantal-Allela Kwevi (Omar Bongo University, Gabon)

Prof. Clément Akassi Animan (Howard University, USA)

Prof. Ismael Sarmiento Ramírez (Oviedo University, Spain)

Dr. Ferdulis Zita Odome Angone (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal)

Dr. Roberto Simbaña (CICSHAL-RELIGACIÓN, Ecuador)



Prof. Jean-Arsène Yao (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)



Prof. Victorien Lavou Zoungbo (Perpignan University, France)

Dr. Ferdulis Zita Odome Angone (Cheikh Anta Diop University, Sénégal)



Dr. Brou Angoran Adjoua Anasthasie (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Koné Ténon (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Kouamé N’Guessan Estelle (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Djè Ana Maria (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Sylvia González (Cresem, Perpignan University, France)

Dr. Bamba Dochienmé Mathieu (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Brou Adjoua Elisabeth (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Daho Vartinel (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Lalékou Kouakou Laurent (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Dr. Tuo Ibrahim (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Mr. Cassien Oscar Roméo (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Ms. Yao Abran Angoua Bla Hermine (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)

Mr. Konin Ehui Arsène (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University, Ivory Coast)